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고등 영어 부교재 자료/올림포스 독해의 기본1

올림포스 독해의 기본1_Unit1-5 변형문제3

by With Hayley 2020. 6. 15.

올림포스 독해의 기본1 Unit1부터 Unit5까지 변형문제

다양한 유형으로 구성되어 있으며 약간의 지문 변형 있습니다.






화성고 삼괴고 향남고 내신대비 변형문제

What is a fact beyond all doubt is that we share an


Some people may be on the verge of buying the product

Few philosophers would deny that human beings are, to a great extent, historical

Metaphorically speaking, human memory is like a public library

We are always reluctant to make long-term changes

One day while driving my car, I kept noticing things that were wrong

