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고등 영어 부교재 자료/올림포스 독해의 기본2

올림포스 독해의 기본2 답지 pdf

by With Hayley 2020. 8. 29.


올림포스 독해의 기본2 답지 pdf 입니다





올림포스 독해의 기본2.pdf




수능 ANALYSIS 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Since all children must grow up surrounded by adults, they are predisposed to consider themselves small, weak and incapable of living alone. They do not trust themselves even to do those simple tasks of which adults believe they are capable without mistakes and clumsiness. most of our errors in child-rearing begin at this point. When we demand more than children can do, the idea of their own helplessness is thrown into their faces. Some adults even consciously make children feel their smallness and helplessness. Others treat children as animated dolls to be played with. Others again treat children as valuable property that must be carefully watched, while still others make them ⓐ to feel they are so much useless human freight. A combination of these attitudes on the part parents and other adults often ⓑ lead children to believe they have control over only two things: the pleasure and displeasure of their elders.

① child–rearing practices in different cultures

② reasons not to compare children with others

③ importance of providing children with new experience

④ effective strategies for improving children’s social skilling

⑤ effects child-rearing attitudes on children’s helplessness

