올림포스 독해의 기본1_단어 리스트/시험지_Unit14
EBS 올림포스 영어 독해의 기본 1 단어 리스트
‘Research has shown that ...’ is a phrase often used to persuade the listener that the speaker can back up what he
or she is saying with firm empirical evidence.
In 2002, UC Santa Barbara neuroscientist Michael Miller conducted a study of verbal memory. One by one, sixteen
participants lay down in an fMRI brain scanner and were shown a set of words.
Our bodies have a protecting trick up their sleeves. Once certain viruses have done their dirty work in a body, they’ll
never be let back in again.
You and your friend have just finished your meal. The waiter lays the check on your table. Boom! To an earsplitting
duet of “Let me get that,” you and your friend’s hands snatch down on it like two pelicans plunging for the same
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