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고등 영어 부교재 자료/2025 수능특강

[2025 EBS 수능특강 영어] 1-3강 문제

by With Hayley 2024. 1. 30.






[2025 EBS 수능특강 영어] 1-3강 문제


이후 자료도 추가적으로 업로드 예정입니다:)







2025 수능특강 영어_1강.pdf
2025 수능특강 영어_2강.pdf
2025 수능특강 영어_3강.pdf






[GATEWAY] 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

I'm Charlie Reeves, manager of Toon Skills Company. If you're interested in new webtoon-making skills and techniques, this post is for you. This year, we've launched special online courses, which contain a variety of contents about webtoon production. Each course consists of ten units that help improve your drawing and story-telling skills. Moreover, these courses are designed to suit any level, from beginner to advanced. It costs $45 for one course, and you can watch your course as many times as you want for six months. Our courses with talented and experienced instructors will open up a new world of creativity for you. It's time to start creating your webtoon world at https://webtoonskills.com.

① 웹툰 제작 온라인 강좌를 홍보하려고

② 웹툰 작가 채용 정보를 제공하려고

③ 신작 웹툰 공개 일정을 공지하려고

④ 웹툰 창작 대회에 출품을 권유하려고

⑤ 기초적인 웹툰 제작 방법을 설명하려고



1. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Dear Dave and Gretchen,We hope all is well with you and your family. At last, spring is in the air , and that means summer can’t be far behind . For the past several years, we have taken much pleasure in sharing our cottage on Mirror Pond with you and some of our other close friends. This year, though, I'm afraid we must do things a bit differently . The expense of maintaining the house has gone up quite a bit, and for at least the coming summer we have decided to put the cottage on the market as a rental property. We already have several leads from people who are considering taking the cottage for most or all of the summer. We hope you understand. And if we end up with some unbooked time in the fall, we’ll let you know.Sincerely, Sandy Webb.

① 별장 이용 시 유의 사항을 전달하려고

② 별장 이용료 인상에 대해 양해를 구하려고

③ 별장 이용 후기를 써 준 것에 대해 감사하려고

④ 이번 여름에 별장을 이용할 수 없음을 알리려고

⑤ 휴가 기간에 별장에서 모임을 갖자고 제안하려고



