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[화성고 추가지문 분석1] 5. Let us suppose that we are on the roadside

by With Hayley 2020. 5. 28.

[화성고 추가지문 분석1] ㄱㄷㅊ쌤 5. Let us suppose that we are on the roadside ~


5. 다음 글을 읽고 아래 물음에 답하여라.

Let us suppose that we are on the roadside struggling with a flat fire. A not-very- bright-looking but friendly youth comes up and asks, "Got a flat tire?" If we insist upon interesting his words literally, we will regard this as an extremely silly question and our answer may be, "Can't you see I have, you dumb ox?" If we pay no attention to (A)what the words say, however, and understand (B)his meaning, we will return his gesture of friendly interest by showing equal friendliness, and in a short while he may be helping us to change the tire. In a similar way, many situations in life demand that we pay no attention to what the words say, since the meaning may often be a great deal more intelligent and intelligible than the surface sense of the words themselves.


1. (A)와 같은 뜻을 나타내는 부분을 본문 속에서 골라라.


2. (B) 의 내용을 구체적으로 다른 영어로 써라.




