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[화성고 추가지문 분석1] 6. What the American scientist has, above all, is energy and activity

by With Hayley 2020. 5. 28.

[화성고 추가지문 분석1] 6. What the American scientist has, above all, is energy and activity

6. 다음은 영국의 물리학자가 미국의 과학계를 시찰하고 난 후 쓴 감상문이다. 아래 물음에 답하여라.

What the American scientist has, above all, is energy and activity. He is not a shy and unsociable person hidden in the dim corners of a dusty cellar. Not infrequently you will find him crossing the continent by jet plane, giving lectures 1,000 miles from home, or meeting hundreds of others at a conference. There are always people coming and going, ceaseless discussing the least experiment or theory, arguing in front of a blackboard or over cups of coffee. There is a thick web of communication so that everyone knows what everyone else is doing, and every bit of scientific knowledge spreads rapidly from one laboratory to another. Of course, all this is extremely valuable, and some people, original, quick-witted, fluent in thought and word, thrive in this atmosphere. Yet I think it has int dangers. Scientific work is not easy, and a really deep idea is unlikely to come in the hour or so that one may spend talking with a particular person on a particular topic. An atmosphere of intellectual bustle is not favourable to quiet concentration, to unhurried experiments, to brooding over a single problem. There is always the temptation to jump on the latest band wagon, instead of making a thorough study of a narrow field. And I am afraid originality seems sometimes to be emphasized too much in America, and is often not easily distinguishable from superficial brilliance.

(1) 작자가 미국 과학계의 분위기를 단적으로 표현한 어구를 골라라.

(2) 밑줄 친 부분의 내용을 설명하여라.

(3) 작자는 미국에 있어서 독창성에 대해 어떻게 생각하고 있는가?

(4) 작자의 주장을 가장 잘 나타내는 문장 하나를 골라라.




