분류 전체보기201 중2 미래엔(최연희) 1-3과 직전 대비 자료 + 필기 중2 미래엔(최연희) 교과서 1과-3과 핵심 의사소통 표현, 주요 문법과 대표적 출제 유형 입니다. 필기본도 참고하세요^0^ 향남중 발안중 화성고 삼괴고 향남고 향일고 공무원영어 수능영어 영어내신대비 자료제작 헤일리영어 2020. 7. 27. 화성고 1학기 기말 추가지문1 분석 화성고 1학년 1학기 기말고사 추가지문1 분석 The best available scientific evidence tells us that, on average, the earth’s surface is warming and has been for some decades. Estimates suggest that over the past century, the average surface air temperature has increased by about 0.6 degrees Celsius. This occurred in three phases: a relatively rapid rise of 0.4°C between about 1910 and 1940, a surprising plateau betw.. 2020. 7. 27. 올림포스 영어 독해의 기본1_변형문제1_Unit6&7 (어법채우기) 올림포스 영어 독해의 기본1_변형문제1_Unit6&7 (어법채우기) The graph above shows the percentage of men and women Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to get in shape? shopping preferences of U.S. teens by gender for three periods On my desk is a picture of my father A well-known shoe manufacturer sent out a mailer advertising Diane made a communication mistake Suddenly, a bushplane appeared. It passed directly over.. 2020. 7. 14. 워드마스터 수능 2000 단어 시험지 Ver1.3 워드마스터 Word Master 수능 2000 단어 시험지 Ver1.3 Day21-30 단어 순서는 랜덤입니다:) 2020. 7. 14. 워드마스터 수능 2000 단어 시험지 Ver1.2 워드마스터 Word Master 수능 2000 단어 시험지 Ver1.1 Day11-20 단어 순서는 랜덤입니다:) 화성고 영어 수행평가 대비 향남 영어 고등 수능 영단어 워드마스터 시험 지 단어 시험지 2020. 7. 14. 올림포스 독해의 기본1_Unit 13-18 지문, 필기용 파일 올림포스 독해의 기본1_Unit6-12 지문, 필기용 파일 입니다:) Unit 13. 문장 삽입 A. From an evolutionary perspective, aggression can be viewed as adaptive behavior, at least in some situations. For instance, competition for desirable mates is often intense, and one way to “win” in such contests is through aggression against potential rivals. So, especially for males, strong tendencies to aggress against others can yield b.. 2020. 7. 13. 올림포스 독해의 기본1_Unit6-12 지문, 필기용 파일 올림포스 독해의 기본1_Unit6-12 지문, 필기용 파일 입니다:) 올림포스 독해의기본1 Unit 6&7 변형문제 https://henglish.tistory.com/41 Unit 6. 도표 · 실용문 A. With Whom Do You Most Often Exercise? Exercise Companionship for Men and Women from 2003 to 2006 The graph above shows the percentage of men and women responses on exercise companionship from a survey conducted from 2003 to 2006. More than half of both men and women reported that .. 2020. 7. 13. 중2_미래엔(최연희)_3과 본문, 영작 시험지 중2_미래엔(최연희)_3과 본문, 영작 시험지 My Travel, My Way My Special Travel Journal Hi, I am Lucy Hunter, and I live in London. Last week, my family went on a vacation for three days. During our trip, I made simple drawings in my journal. That was a great way to capture all the special moments. August 5 At last, we set foot at Stonehenge, one of the most mysterious places on Earth. After a two-hour drive from.. 2020. 7. 10. 중2_미래엔(최연희)_2과 본문, 영작 시험지 중2_미래엔(최연희)_2과 본문, 영작 시험지 Lesson 2. Where Do People Live? Roofs Around the World Grass Roofs Have you ever seen a goat on the roof of a house? In Norway, we can see animals on roofs. Norway has large forests. In harmony with nature, people have built wooden houses for a long time. To build strong and warm houses, they cover their roofs with grass. The grass roofs protect them from the long cold .. 2020. 7. 9. 중2_미래엔(최연희)_1과 본문, 영작 시험지 중2_미래엔(최연희)_1과 본문, 영작 시험지 Lesson 1. Great Things about Yourself Lunch Lady Begins My name is Hojin, and I like to make graphic novels. While I was walking home from school last week, I saw a woman on a scooter. She looked really cool, and her scooter was very unique. "Are you going home, Hojin?" she said to me suddenly. "Yes, but do I know you?" I asked. "Of course," she answered. "I see you at .. 2020. 7. 9. 이전 1 ··· 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 다음 반응형