분류 전체보기201 [화성고 추가지문 분석1] 5. Let us suppose that we are on the roadside [화성고 추가지문 분석1] ㄱㄷㅊ쌤 5. Let us suppose that we are on the roadside ~ 5. 다음 글을 읽고 아래 물음에 답하여라. Let us suppose that we are on the roadside struggling with a flat fire. A not-very- bright-looking but friendly youth comes up and asks, "Got a flat tire?" If we insist upon interesting his words literally, we will regard this as an extremely silly question and our answer may be, "Can't you see I have, y.. 2020. 5. 28. 이전 1 ··· 18 19 20 21 다음 반응형