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기타 내신 대비 자료9

화성고 1학기 기말 추가지문1 분석 화성고 1학년 1학기 기말고사 추가지문1 분석 The best available scientific evidence tells us that, on average, the earth’s surface is warming and has been for some decades. Estimates suggest that over the past century, the average surface air temperature has increased by about 0.6 degrees Celsius. This occurred in three phases: a relatively rapid rise of 0.4°C between about 1910 and 1940, a surprising plateau betw.. 2020. 7. 27.
심경을 나타내는 어휘들 정리 심경을 나타내는 어휘는 시험 전에 필수적으로 기억해야 합니다. 지문 해석을 완벽하게 했음에도 보기에 제시된 심경을 나타내는 단어를 모르면 문제를 맞출 수 없기 때문이죠. 처음에는 하나 하나 외우기가 어렵다면 우선은 긍정적인(+) 의미와 부정적인(-)의미로 나누어서 단어에 느낌을 부여하는 것도 좋은 방법입니다. 아래의 어휘들을 참고해보세요:) 심경을 나타내는 어휘 1. 기쁘다와 관련된 어휘들: happy, joyful, joyous, glad, delightful, pleasant, gratifying 2. 즐겁다와 관련된 어휘들: happy, glad, joyful, delightful, pleasant, merry, cheerful 3. 슬프다와 관련된 어휘들: sad, sorrowful, mournf.. 2020. 6. 11.
접속부사 의미별 정리 접속부사 접속사 ≠ 접속 부사 : 접속사는 8품사 중 하나로 구 혹은 절을 연결시켜주는 역할을 하지만, 접속 부사는 부사(수식 거품)이기 때문에 단독으로 밖에 쓰이지 못하며, 의미적으로만 앞 뒤 문장의 흐름을 연결 시켜주는 역할을 한다. 접속 부사 종류 열거 first, second, for one thing, to being with, in the first place, 첨가 furthermore, moreover, in addition, additionally, above all, what’s more, beside 부정적 의미 첨가 what’s worse, to make matters(things) worse 예시 for example, for instance, as an illustration 대.. 2020. 6. 11.
화성고 1학년 영어 추가지문 변형문제 화성고 1학년 영어 추가지문 변형문제입니다. (2020 1학기 중간고사 대비) 2020. 6. 2.
[화성고 추가지문 분석1] 11. Do you know the small gun gangsters [화성고 추가지문 분석1] 11. Do you know the small gun gangsters 11. 다음 글을 읽고 최후의 답을 적어라. Do you know the small gun gangsters use in the movies? Yes, the word for it begins with a P and ends in an L. It is composed of six letters in all. Write down this word in capital letters. Now, replace the second letter with an A and substitude an R for the S. Of course you still have six letters there, but they don'.. 2020. 5. 28.
[화성고 추가지문 분석1] 10. The population crisis is here now, 10, The population crisis is here now, and it is the destruction of present and future civilizations. The world has two choices. Either we drastically alter our concepts of marriage and child bearing and the customs attached to them, to where we have but two children per family, or the wealthy will continue to devour the poor at an ever increasing rate. At the same time, the environment will ste.. 2020. 5. 28.
[화성고 추가지문 분석1] 7. The world is full of people - appallingly full [화성고 추가지문 분석1] 7. The world is full of people - appallingly full 7. The world is full of people - appallingly full; it has never been so full before, and they are all tumbling over each other. Most of these people one doesn't know and some of them one doesn't like; doesn't like the color of their skins, say, or the shapes of their dislike of jazz, and so on. Well, what is one to do? There aretwo.. 2020. 5. 28.
[화성고 추가지문 분석1] 6. What the American scientist has, above all, is energy and activity [화성고 추가지문 분석1] 6. What the American scientist has, above all, is energy and activity 6. 다음은 영국의 물리학자가 미국의 과학계를 시찰하고 난 후 쓴 감상문이다. 아래 물음에 답하여라. What the American scientist has, above all, is energy and activity. He is not a shy and unsociable person hidden in the dim corners of a dusty cellar. Not infrequently you will find him crossing the continent by jet plane, giving lectures 1,000 miles from .. 2020. 5. 28.
[화성고 추가지문 분석1] 5. Let us suppose that we are on the roadside [화성고 추가지문 분석1] ㄱㄷㅊ쌤 5. Let us suppose that we are on the roadside ~ 5. 다음 글을 읽고 아래 물음에 답하여라. Let us suppose that we are on the roadside struggling with a flat fire. A not-very- bright-looking but friendly youth comes up and asks, "Got a flat tire?" If we insist upon interesting his words literally, we will regard this as an extremely silly question and our answer may be, "Can't you see I have, y.. 2020. 5. 28.